The latest in the scary news about how free speech is being
stifled in the classroom is the articles that show that students who did not
participate in the gun-control walkout last week are being punished.
WOW Only one point of
view is “the right one” it seems. What
have we done to allow our teachers and administrators to force their students
into one box, one mold, one point of view?\
I’m scared. I’m
horrified. It doesn’t matter what I
believe about the particular issue – whether, for example I am for – or against
gun control. What matters here is that
we are forcing our students to embrace only one point of view.
There are two side-by-side headlines in today’s San Jose
Mercury News that motivated me to write this blog.
School-walkout unity also lays bare division
among students.
Student punished for staying in classroom during
walkout at center of controversy.
Dissent should have been encouraged. Instead of walk-outs perhaps debates with
strong opinions from both sides.
It’s not just about gun-control,
This whole notion of micro-aggression and safe-spaces on
college campuses is just euphemisms for the same stifling of ideas. Only one point of view is allowed. All others are acts of aggression. Do you really believe that?
Please for the sake of all of us – let’s bring back free
speech. Let’s return to a nation that
honors disparate points of view – not one that stifles them.
Labels: free speech, gun control, k micro-aggression, stifling ideas