ArLyne's Diamonds

A running commentary of ideas

Friday, March 02, 2018

Cursory training not good enough

Until recently many companies found the cheapest on-line two hour training  they could buy and brushed off their hands happily feeling that they had met the requirement for prevention of sexual harassment.   Well, yes they met the legal minimum bur all the research coming out lately is showing that this type of training doesn't change attitudes or behavior.

It takes a very interactive type of training with lots of examples and give and take conversationally to change minds, hearts and attitudes.  Until those change behavior will no change.

Men and women react differently to similar situations.  People from different cultures have different standards of behavior.  We need to lean about each other - not merely be told about all the lawsuits for misbehavior.

Most of us - men and women - want to do the right thing.  Some of what we do though is not perceived as right by the other person.  WHY?  Why aren't they more like me?   Answer because they were taught differently.

Let's learn from each other so that we don't inadvertently hurt or insult the other person..

and yes, there are jerks and bullies and people who just plain like to make others squirm so that they can feel more important.  We need to stop these bullies force ably.  We need to role-model appropriate behavior.  We need to stand up for those more vulnerable than we.  We need to teach young women and men that they can and should say NO loudly and when they report abuse they will be taken seriously.

This is no matter to pay lip service to.  We must really take the time to help people learn how to behave with each other.

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