recently spoke to about 120 college students – the leaders of tomorrow. My
topic was “Leadership in the 21st Century”. I tried to give them a sense of how
times have changed and what they needed to consider as they moved forward in
their careers. I want to share some of my talk’s highlights with you.
we are leading and managing in a global economy: In the past, we worked with
people who lived near us, went to the same schools and houses of worship, and
shared the same culture. It was relatively easy to understand the people with
whom we interacted. If we hadn’t known them personally before, we probably knew
their siblings. People from all parts of the world are now working side by
side. They come from different cultures and speak different languages.
beliefs and values differ, as do the ways they’ve been managed. Thus, we need
to learn new styles of management. We also are now a workplace of men and
women, whereas in the past, genders largely operated separately. So our
challenge today is to work with, and lead and manage, people who are different
from us.
the way we interact with others at work is changing, too: In the past, we
communicated with people face-to-face. They were members of the same team,
located in the same room. If they worked in other departments, we could walk
from where we were to where they were and see them in person. This gave us valuable
information and enabled us to develop positive working relationships.
we could “manage by walking around”, actually seeing and talking with the
people we managed. Today, people work from home, or are located across the
country or in other parts of the world.
we are expected to work with them in teams, and to manage and lead them
effectively. So we use e-mail, social media, Skype, and other technical tools.
The advantage to this, of course, is that we can communicate with people all
over the world without getting on planes. The disadvantage is that under these
circumstances, it is much more difficult to create positive workplace
relationships, to build trust, understanding, and rapport.
technology and how we use it change almost minute by minute: I may be showing
my age here, but I grew up before desktop computers even existed. I acquired my
first while finishing my doctoral dissertation. It was a large computer that
ran on a DOS operating system and performed mainly word processing. But over
the years we’ve gone from desktops to laptops to minis to tablets. Soon we will
just have chips implanted in our bodies. Phones have evolved, too, from dial-ups
plugged into the wall to push-button, to cordless, and to cell phones that are
getting smaller and smaller and becoming capable of doing more and more.
is exciting, but it’s also chaotic. Too frequently, we must learn new ways of working.
Instead of increasing our efficiency, these innovations often reduce it during the
training phase. Then, once we’ve learned how to use a new software program or
technical tool, something new comes along and we’re forced to adapt again.
businesses creating products that cause such “disruptions” are considered
exciting: Why? Because the technologies they offer are so different and
imaginative they change the way we work, think, and interact. My Nook is a good
example. I can now purchase and upload hundreds of books onto a small tablet
that allows me to increase and decrease the font size to suit my comfort. I’ve considered
donating some books in my personal collection to a public library – a thought I
wouldn’t have entertained even a year ago. Businesses getting funded today are
primarily those that create disruptive technologies.
what is happening to stable and continuing ideas, services, and products? I fear
our quest for newness often leads us to adopting fads – especially in my field
of consulting. Most of us don’t offer anything new, exciting, different, or
disruptive. We provide clear, concise, practical solutions to workplace
problems. How boring to those wanting the newest fad!
we are leading and managing an educated workforce: Few jobs (especially here in
California) involve simple task accomplishment. Thus, managers must hire well,
paying attention during interviews to how candidates answer questions, because that’s
a clue to their intelligence (as well as that of the interviewers, I hasten to
add). Moreover, we need to be sure there’s a company-culture (as differentiated
from a country-culture) fit, because we rely on people to work in teams. In
addition, we must manage today’s educated employees differently. Whips and
bullying won’t work. A “funnel theory” of management is at play where you start
with tight control, and as you get to know the employees and they get to know
you, you may loosen control.
today, we must delegate and share the decision-making process. For many people
this isn’t easy, and it’s especially difficult for leaders who started and
nurtured their company themselves. It’s hard to let go and let others do it
their way, which may differ from yours. Because of the complicated nature of
work these days, the annual performance appraisal is worthless (although in my
opinion it always has been).
require frequent feedback; that is, they need to know in a timely manner that
they are hitting the dartboard. Because of the aforementioned complex work, and
the place in which we are doing it (home, office, another country), creating standards
of accountability, and managing for them, are more difficult.
creating and managing a positive emotional environment are harder too: Time and
again, studies have shown that the emotional relationship people have with
their teammates and supervisors plays a huge role in whether they stay or
change jobs even during a recession. Yes, there will always be people who
remain in a horrible job because they desperately need the money but, generally
speaking, people stay where they feel good. Many organizations are developing
software and Internet-related technologies that their employees may or may not
see as helping humanity.
you work for a hospital, a pharmaceutical company, or an outfit that’s
developing better and safer ways to deliver food, you probably feel good about
what you’re doing. But as a whole, it’s becoming more difficult for people to
feel the job they perform is important. One development that’s enabling both organizations
and their employees to feel better about themselves is companies’ growing
awareness of their responsibility to the community.
they’re allowing – indeed encouraging – employees to give time as well as money
to community service. Walks for organizations like the Red Cross and heart,
diabetes, and cancer associations have become company activities. Allowing employees
this avenue of service improves the bottom line – rather than reducing it – by
enhancing the company’s image, increasing employees’ motivation and
productivity, and advancing team development.
we work primarily in teams, leading to increased conflict: When you work
autonomously, or even as part of a group on an assembly line, your job is
clearly defined and separate from the person next to you. So there’s little need
for compatibility and understanding. However, the complex work we do these days
requires teamwork, or at least frequent interaction with others. But since
people are different, getting along is complicated. Team facilitators often make
“storming” the first step in the team development process.
term means disagreeing and allowing conflict to arise. Disagreements are natural
and should be permitted. But all too often people are forced to quell their opinions
in the interest of getting along. It is important to allow disagreement because
dangerously bad decisions may be made if people are unwilling to speak up when
they disagree. Team members from all cultures and parts of the world, no matter
their gender or age, not only must learn to understand one another, but develop
a common working culture while remaining creative and unique. Not easy!
we tend to reject older people, failing to realize they have wisdom to offer: especially here in Silicon Valley, we are so
youth-oriented we assume that those over thirty have nothing new to provide.
Yesterday, we revered the wisdom of our elders, both here and more obviously in
many other cultures. When you looked at the upper echelon of a corporation, you
saw many gray hairs. I’m hoping tomorrow will bring recognition that we older
folk have a great deal to offer. There’s reason to hope. I recently heard the
twenty-something CEO of a successful “green” software firm mention that her
team recognized the importance of employing executives with leadership and managerial
history. She called this having “adult supervision”.
Labels: Cultural Change, globalization, leadership, Management and Collaboration Styles