Since I chair the Infrastructure Committee for the Silicon Valley (San Jose) Chamber of Commerce, I am involved in areas about which I previously knew nothing. Water is one of those areas. Did you know that we are restricting water from the Delta because the extreme environmentalists are saving smelt. That would be OK, if the smelt were indiginous to the area - they are not, and/or used to feed other fish. However, millions (maybe billions) of dollars are spent to save them, put them on big water trucks where millions of them die, and transport them to a pond, where they are not part of the delta ecology any more. AND, the farmers are being starved out.
Today, we visited the Water Treatment Plant - how incredibly impressive their process and goals. They have a practical and sensible approach to re-utilizing energy, water, and waste by products. They are planning for the future and taking the growth of the community as well as the interests of the community into account when making their plans. The facility is impressive. The management and staff even more impressive.
Labels: community involvement, ecology, Infrastructure, management, sustainability, water