ArLyne's Diamonds

A running commentary of ideas

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Puppet with the Broken String

As a consultant we experience a full range of clients – from those who only occasionally need some direction to those who require minute details as to exactly what they should do and say. 

The more independent clients tend also (in my experience) to be more consistent in the manner in which they apply the advice given (yes, I give advice! Consulting is more active than coaching.)

On the other extreme are the people who ask over and over again and then somehow do something different from what was discussed.
I find this to be especially true of people who have a need to show-off.  Instead of going with a long-term plan for their professional growth, which we’d worked out in detail – they have to feel superior to others and so brag about their next promotion – especially when it was not yet offered to them.

I don’t really want to be a puppet master.  But some clients hire me especially for the purpose of teaching – guiding – advising – them step-by-step to accomplish something very specific – such as a promotion. 

Yet, we as consultants can only suggest.  We really can’t pull the strings.  Our clients make the final decisions and do what they will do.
I suppose the good side of that is that we can’t take the blame if things go wrong.  (Tongue in cheek.)

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