ArLyne's Diamonds

A running commentary of ideas

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ted Kennedy's death reminds us

To those who knew him, he was a complex, warm, caring and dedicated man. To those of us who remembered the scandals, he got away with murder and was somewhat of a whore-monger.

Listening to the tributes tonight, I am reminded that people are a mixturer of many things. Look, for example of ewhat we knew/know about Michael Jackson = and what some people suspect, in spite of his having been acquitted at trial.

Why are we so quick to believe the worst about people and ignore the good things they've done - until they die, that is.

I also want to remind my readers that political disagreements are merely that. That someone disagrees with us politically doesn't make them stupid or evil.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Troubling Times

Too many people I know are hurting financially and are extremely worried about their future. Silicon Valley needs some new exciting ideas - where are all the creative brains? Have we lost them because of our loousy educational system, our regulations stifling business, unions controlling, and exhorbitant taxes?

Even Russia has fewer taxes

Art is so vital for motivation

Today I saw the Rodin Sculpture Garden at the Cantor Museum on Stanford University's campus. I love fine art - and particularly love that it gives us something to strive for. Without it life would be mundane.

On the other hand, some of what passes for art today is ugly andf brings us down.


Sunday, August 09, 2009

Catching up

I'm so sorry it has been so long since I've blogged. I am making a commitment now to be more frequently in touch with those of you who read it.

Now that we have it set up on my Dell Mini it will be more convenient for me when not working at my desk.

I've also been tweeting and trying to use facebook - so look for me there as well


Sunday, August 02, 2009

Starting up again

Hi, it's been ages since I published anything on my blog - and I do apologize. Now that I have my Dell Mini which can sit casually downstairs, I will post more often.

I've been having problems with an IT guy, and had to find someone else to undue what the first guy did. Hopefully I can now blog from the mini. I'll try later.

here's what's going on: Business is too slow, but teaching is absolutely wonderful.

I have started Twittering - find me at: ArLyneDiamond.