ArLyne's Diamonds

A running commentary of ideas

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Just claim discrimination many years ago

Just claim discrimination!

WOW – it seems that the latest scam is to claim that many many you were fired due to discrimination, and you want to sue and be compensated for it now.

Well, I was fired many years ago because I wouldn’t accept my boss’s invitation to sleep with him – actually I laughed in his face.  But I, like many others who are or were competent just shrugged it off and got another (and better in my case) job the next day.

NOW, that doesn’t mean that I think all people are capable of shrugging it off and getting a new job.  I absolutely believe in the importance of those of us with more resources (as I recall, I was still living in my parents’ home) helping to stop the exploitation of those more vulnerable. 

But, what bothers me is the political football crying I was harassed, abused or discriminated against has become.  How can we go back many years ago to determine if the complaint is true or false.  Obviously we can’t.  That’s what makes this trend so dangerous.
Innocent until proven guilty.  Due Process.  Have they all flown out the window?  Can anyone make an accusation and have it automatically believed?  I hope not.

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