ArLyne's Diamonds

A running commentary of ideas

Monday, November 26, 2018

The New Parent Leave Act

Isn’t it wonderful that parents will be allowed to spend more time bonding with their infants and taking care of their spouse?   Well, yes, but….

The but – is that this new bill is at the expense of small business owners who will have to keep the job open for employees taking up to three months (yes 3 months) of leave.

What does this mean?  Well since this is now effecting small businesses from 20 – 49 employees (other laws pertain to those with 50 or more employees) it means a big gap which will have to be filled.

So, how is it filled?  Either by others working over-time or by hiring temporary help.  In either case SB63 will cost small business owners hardship and money.

Once again the do-gooders have taken a gun to one group of people (small business owners) and forced them to pay for something that another group (parents) wants. 

Does this seem fair?

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