Leaders and Followers
The flying geese have the right idea.
Apparently they select a leader based on the task on hand. The goose that knows
the route best will be selected to lead them home, and the best nester will
teach the others how to build their nests.
Do we do the same? Do we defer to experts? Or,
does the need to look good get in the way of deferring to others.
Have we become so “politically correct”
that we look for the feet of clay in our great people? Do we demean our heroes
instead of worshiping them?
I ask all these questions because of an
article I read in the San Jose Mercury News, written by New York Times
columnist, David Brooks.
Mr. Brooks notes that contemporary
monuments of great people, reduce them to ordinariness as opposed to elevating
them. He compares the FDR memorial to that of Lincoln and Washington. We look
up to the statue of President Abe Lincoln and President George Washington. FDR
is seen according to Mr. Brooks as “a kindly grandpa.” David Brooks goes on to
state, “The proposed Eisenhower memorial shifts attention from his moments of
power to his moments of innocent boyhood.”
Why? Are we afraid of greatness?
Quoting the same article:
In his memoir, “At Ease,” Eisenhower delivered the following advice:
“Always try to associate yourself with and learn as much as you can from those
who know more than you do, who do better than you, who see more clearly than
To have good leaders you have to have good followers – able to
recognize just authority, admire it, be grateful for it and emulate it. Those
skills are required for good monument building too.
This is a pet issue of mine because it
personally bothers me when I hear people tear down and gossip negatively about
great leaders who are no longer with us. Although it may be true – or not – I
don’t really want to know that someone I admired actually had warts. Sure, none
of us are perfect, but let’s look up to people, not down at them.
Looking down may make you think it makes
you look better, but it doesn’t. Only people with self-esteem – true
self-esteem – are comfortable looking up.
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