Haven't you found that the making and keeping of friends is critically important to your well being as well as to those you love? I know that I cherish my friendships. Some of them go back to kindergarten days (Robert) others slightly later (Joy) and some from Junior High and High School. Most of those friends are now retired and living on the East Coast - especially in Florida, so as much as I love them and enjoy being with them, I don't get to see them often enough.
I seem to have lost most of my friends from my Los Angeles days - I don't know why - but everyone once in while I think about Ernie and Rick. Today, I saw a re-run of Queer Eyes for the Straight Guy and they featured THE Eames Chair. It reminded me of Sheldon and how he used to save that chair for me and fuss over me in it. Jim is still living in the Los Angeles, and I heard from him some months ago - but he really doesn't stay in touch.
Georg seems to have disappeared since he and Tyne broke up. I miss his friendship a lot.
Paula has been my close friend since 1979 and I cherish my time with her. She's added tremendously to the pleasure of her company by sharing her daughter Crystal (now 10) with me. I love the weekends when they come in from Modesto - just wish they happened more often.
New friendships are special too. I'm enjoying my time with so many people that are recent friends. Symphony, theater and Ballet with Bonnie and Marv are always special, as is time with Lynn at Ballet and theater. The folk at SVO are always good company and I particularly enjoy my times with Tim and Jeannie. I'm also getting to know Alan a lot better.
Lately, I've been walking in the evening with Edie. Getting to know her better is also pure pleasure. She's bright, interesting and very upbeat.
When i was a child, first, second or third grade, I think, I was in a play about Pandora's Box. My role was as "Friendship" and I recited a poem, by anonymous that went something like this:
I seem to have lost most of my friends from my Los Angeles days - I don't know why - but everyone once in while I think about Ernie and Rick. Today, I saw a re-run of Queer Eyes for the Straight Guy and they featured THE Eames Chair. It reminded me of Sheldon and how he used to save that chair for me and fuss over me in it. Jim is still living in the Los Angeles, and I heard from him some months ago - but he really doesn't stay in touch.
Georg seems to have disappeared since he and Tyne broke up. I miss his friendship a lot.
Paula has been my close friend since 1979 and I cherish my time with her. She's added tremendously to the pleasure of her company by sharing her daughter Crystal (now 10) with me. I love the weekends when they come in from Modesto - just wish they happened more often.
New friendships are special too. I'm enjoying my time with so many people that are recent friends. Symphony, theater and Ballet with Bonnie and Marv are always special, as is time with Lynn at Ballet and theater. The folk at SVO are always good company and I particularly enjoy my times with Tim and Jeannie. I'm also getting to know Alan a lot better.
Lately, I've been walking in the evening with Edie. Getting to know her better is also pure pleasure. She's bright, interesting and very upbeat.
When i was a child, first, second or third grade, I think, I was in a play about Pandora's Box. My role was as "Friendship" and I recited a poem, by anonymous that went something like this:
If nobody smiled
and nobody cheered
and nobody helped us along
If every man looked after himself
and the good things all went to the storng.
If nobody ared just a little for you
and nobody thought about me
And we fought alone in the battle of life
what a dreary old world it would be.
Life is sweet because of th friends we have made
and the things in common we share
We want to live on, not just for ourselves
but because of the people who care.
It's living and doing for somebody else
on which all life's splendor depends
And the joy of the words when you hav summed them all up
is in the making and keeping of friends.
Frankly, I don't agree with all of it - I take exception to the statement "it's living and doing for somebody else ... etc." but I like the overall sentiment. I also think I've forgotten a portion of it - but you know it was many many years ago when I had to memorize and recite it.
What does friendship mean to you?
At 10:41 AM,
Cheriblossm said…
I like the poem. If everyone was self centered, things wouldn't be enjoyable, rather it would be a very difficult place in which to live. Yes, it is important that we have friends. And it is sometimes the ones just in passing make the difference..
At 10:42 AM,
Cheriblossm said…
I like the poem. If everyone was self centered, life would be difficult. Yes, it is important that we have friends. And it is sometimes the ones just in passing make the difference..
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