“Raise the Bar – Make Things Better”
“Raise the Bar – Make Things Better”
That was my contract.
What do Change management, culture, conflict, creativity,
conflict, cooperation, crisis, compliance, and control have to do with each
other? The answer: They represent the range of work I do when
asked to “Raise the Bar – Make Things Better.”
I am unlike many consultants who come into an organization
with a narrow specialty that results in a written report with recommendations
that most companies never bother to follow.
I’m also unlike the “talking head” or junior associate of a large consulting
firm that is merely parroting words from her power point presentation that has
been created by someone else.
Why am I different?
Because I have over 30 years of consulting experience, many years of
actually working – and managing – in the business world and bring a multi-faceted
approach which includes business, psychology, education, law, and a smattering
of other disciplines to my work.
How am I different?
When you hire me, you get me.
That’s my experience, insight, and ability to help you communicate
better. I work WITH people rather than
at them. I am not afraid of emotion –
and help people resolve conflict, increase cooperation and communication. By freeing people from hiding things under
the rug and being resentful, talking issues through and cooperating to find
mutually acceptable solutions results in increased creativity and productivity. The culture becomes more positive because the
conflict has been resolved. This is real
change management.
I help people bring out the best in themselves and
others. This includes Professional
Development, Management training (how to treat people as works best for them)
and Leadership Development – including coaching, shadowing, and
Because of my business background, I am also able to work
with teams on process improvement. Again,
by making it safe for them to talk about processes that could have been
simplified – as well as by sharing my own observations and knowledge.
There are many letters of reference and testimonials from
clients on my website: www.DiamondAssociates.net. Please refer to them and you will see what I
have done for other clients in the past.
You may also contact me: 408-554-0110
or ArLyne@DiamondAssociates.net
Labels: Change Management, compliance and control, Conflict Management, cooperation, crisis, culture
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