ArLyne's Diamonds

A running commentary of ideas

Monday, June 03, 2013

Helping the Homeless

Today's paper (here in Santa Clara County) showed pictures of dismantling the homeless encampment.  It is horrifying and so sad.

I don't want to see homeless encampments - they are unsafe, potentially dirty and disease ridden.
Nor do I want to see us not serving our homeless.

years ago when they were dismantling Moffett Field I suggested that they use the existing military housing for homeless - they could house, train, offer medical, etc. at almost no cost.  The answer:  It was too far away from downtown (20 minutes at most).  What happened to buses?

at another time I suggested that they build a floor of the new garage (across from our county building and the police station) as a place for homeless - beds, showers, food, etc.  That didn't fly either.

So what are we to do?  Pretend they don't exist?  Pretend they don't need our help?

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