ArLyne's Diamonds

A running commentary of ideas

Sunday, May 29, 2005

June Arunga - in Africa

When I was at the Reason Foundation weekend, I met June and saw snippets of her film, The Devil's Footpath" about her journey throughout Africa. The other night I viewed the film with friends, John & Donna Dubois. We were all in agreement that June is brilliant, charming, and brings to life the troubles and humanity of the people throughout Africa.

She makes many important points, including the importance of freedom - and freedom of speech. In Egypt, and other parts of Africa, people are punished severly if they question or criticize the government. June says a people can not be free if they can not be free to disagree.

She talks also of the corruption of the governments and how our humanitarian help is actually hurting because it is not enabling or encouraging people to work themselves. Africa is enormously rich in natural resources - yet most of the people are starving poor.

Oil and gold are plentiful - as are diamonds - but corrupt goverments take all the profit and give nothing back to the people. This film is worth seeing. June is worth hearing. Anyone wanting more information - please contact me and I will give you the contact information for purchasing the dvd. By the way, June did this film for the BBC.


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